Featured Products
L170 SOLAS/MED Approved Lifebuoy Light
- Super Compact
- Approved according to ISAF ISO9650-1 (Type I, Group A)
- Easy access boarding ramp, ladder, and handholds
- High visibility- LED Exterior -and Interior Light
- Equipped with 4 integral water ballast bags
- 3-zone fully separated inflation chambers
- Rainwater collection
- SOLAS reflective strips across entire structure
SafeSea S100 Search and Rescue Transponder
Seacrewsader 275n Twin Chamber
The Crewfit Twin 2010 is designed to meet the new SOLAS 2010 regulations according to MSC 81(70) as amended by MSC 200(80) and MSC 207(81). The Crewfit Twin 2010 outperforms the new requirements,
providing increased performance in the most demanding
environments. Improved body angle, mouth
freeboard and face plane angles make the Crewfit Twin
2010 even safer at sea. Together with the improved
rotating times, the new unique inflation chamber (patent
pending) is fitted with twin Auto Hammar mechanisms,
providing unrivalled comfort as well as support.